Business Development

When starting your branding and marketing journey, it’s best to start with a plan in mind. There’s no use climbing the ladder if it’s against the wrong wall. That’s exactly what Xponent’s Branding and Marketing Workshop is for. They work closely with you and your team to define your business goals, develop a strategy that can achieve those goals and write a plan to ensure that you roll out your branding and marketing strategy with sound tactics in mind.

Website Teardown

The Website Teardown is a technical analysis that appraises your current website. It’s a brutally honest analysis of what’s wrong and isn’t working. It’s not all bad though, because it comes with a clear set of instructions on how to fix those issues.

The Teardown process takes place before we start with the branding exercise because we need the info from this part of the process to activate the Branding Exercise. You could consider this the “Kick Off” of the Branding and Marketing Workshop.

Business Canvas

The Business Canvas helps you to summarise your business on a single page. From Suppliers to customers, you can get an overview of your entire business without scrolling through a hundred pages of mind-numbing jargon.

The Business Canvas is the first meeting between your team and Strategists from Xponent. They will meet with you online, in person or even via a telephone call to clearly understand what your business does and who needs to be involved in the Branding Exercise.

Business Development Workshop

The Branding Exercise consists of digital or in-person meetings where we define your company’s essence. We dig deep to figure out exactly who you are, what you stand for and what you can do for people. It’s a fun and challenging experience that really brings people together.

The Branding Exercise takes around 6 hours and is best done in weekly sessions over 6 weeks. It can be done in 2 weeks, but that’s pushing it. You will define a target market, key message and the communication channels necessary to reach that audience.

How Xponent Structures a Customers Journey

Xponent uses multiple channels to communicate with our client’s customers…

So what will you have when you're done with the Business Development Workshop?

You get a concise digital marketing plan that is simple to understand and easy to implement. You can implement the digital marketing strategy with your own team or get Xponent’s ex- perts to do the branding and marketing for you.

The Branding and Marketing Workshop is a great way to orient yourself and your team. You get to have some fun with the people you work with while doing really important work. Getting your marketing digitised is solid progress towards your digital transformation. It’s also a low risk way to try out Xponent without committing to a huge retainer.

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It’s time to work on your business, not in your business.

Contact XPONENT today and book a Branding and

Marketing Workshop.

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